Healthy Patterns Club Self Empowerment Coach Glasgow

Ignite Your Inner Strength:
Empower Yourself to Create an Extraordinary Life!

On a scale of 0-10, how strong is your desire to live an authentic life, where you embrace your true self and unleash your full potential? Imagine a life where you no longer feel confined by the expectations of others or limited by self-doubt. A life where you radiate confidence, resilience, and fulfilment.

Self-empowerment is the key to unlocking this extraordinary life, and it begins with you. It's about taking control of your emotions, thoughts, and actions. It's about cultivating a mindset that propels you forward, ignites your passions, and leads you towards meaningful connections and achievements.

You'll embark on a transformative journey through personalised self-empowerment life coaching sessions. Together, we will dive into the depths of your aspirations, values, and strengths, uncovering the unique essence that defines you. We'll identify and break free from the limiting beliefs and self-imposed barriers that have held you back.

Imagine the exhilaration of standing tall in your power, confidently pursuing your dreams, and making choices aligned with your truest self. Picture yourself gracefully navigating life's challenges, bouncing back from setbacks, and embracing growth opportunities with unwavering resilience.

By investing in your self-empowerment, you'll witness profound shifts in every aspect of your life. Relationships will flourish as you communicate authentically and set boundaries that honour your needs. Your emotional well-being will soar as you gain mastery over your emotions, responding to life's curveballs with grace and clarity.

So, if your desire to live an authentic life resonates at anything above a 0, take that first step towards your transformation. Together, we will embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth. Your authentic, empowered life awaits, and it starts now.

Six sessions - 3 months - £ 894

Healthy Patterns Club Self Empowerment Coach Glasgow

Who Am I, and How Do I Build a Healthy, Loving and Stable Relationship with Myself?

The mother of all relationships. A healthy relationship with yourself is the foundation for thriving relationships with others and everything else in your life.

Too many of us have lived an automatic life, pursuing what we have been told or taught by others, with no time or space even to slow down and ask ourselves, am I the person I want to be? Am I happy with this version of self, or am I, when I have a moment to reflect, someone who is deep down sad/angry/disappointed/unsatisfied/the list can go on/ with myself?

An in-depth exploration of who your authentic version of self is. Also, learning and practising to become more aware and understanding your whole self without judgement, your ego and your higher self. The darker and the light sides. Evolve, release what is not needed anymore, grow and fall back in love with yourself.
The rest will follow...

From 6 sessions upwards, depending on how deep-rooted your belief systems are and the healing/release that needs to occur. 

Six sessions - 3 months - £ 894

Mental health and Confidence coaching

Understanding, Confronting & Releasing Emotions and Fears like a Pro

Are you afraid of confronting your emotions and feeling of fear?
Who isn´t? Some are taught to be strong and not weak, to suppress their emotions, and some are fed the opposite. To be afraid, to feel fear, feel worthless or take on guilt and shame as our own.. so nearly every one of us has fears and emotions we need to tackle, sooner or later. It is easy to preoccupy yourself, be busy and numb these emotions. It works for a while until the feelings bubble up again or challenging situations force us to deal with ourselves. So instead of running away, why not confront them head-on? You will see that emotions and fears are not as scary or complicated as they seem.

We will confront all these emotions together, feel and release them one by one and say hasta la vista to our inner demons ( imagine them all in clown shorts for a laugh to start with! )

From 6 sessions upwards, depending on your personality and resistance or drive to confront and healing/releasing, which needs to occur.

Six sessions - 3 months - £ 894

Life Coaching for Parents Glasgow

Mother, Please Let Me Grow!

Who doesn't want their children to be happy, self-worth-knowing, responsible & independent human beings? As parents, we want the best for our children, don't we? But let's be honest about our role as a parent within ourselves.. do you project your fears and expectations onto your child, manipulating, judging and moulding their ways of self-expression, holding them too close emotionally to not become their own, not co-dependent of you, person,
do you let your child grow, learn from their own mistakes, understand through trials & errors which of their decisions are right or wrong for them, giving them the trust, acceptance & space they need to become who they want to become? Even if this means they take a path which has nothing to do with our ideas and expectations for them?

Unconditional love and space to grow, make mistakes, learn & evolve are gateways to becoming strong, independent individuals - those who know to listen to themselves rather than becoming co-dependent on how others want them to be. 

If we want to give our children this gift of trust and freedom, we need to start with the work within ourselves. Observe where we are coming from, understand how these relate to generational patterns and break and change them once and for all. That is where authentic parenting starts. 

In our sessions, we will look into you as a parent and find ways to give your child and yourself the space to grow. 

Six sessions - 3 months - £ 894 

Mindfulness Life Coaching Glasgow

Awareness, Gratitude & Joy - the Simple Things in Life that make a difference.

Learn to slow down and smell the flowers. Literally and metaphorically speaking. Joy and happiness is everywhere around you. All you need is to be more present in the moment to experience it. 

We will work together on becoming more and more often present in the now, expanding awareness and feeling gratitude for what is, learning to see beauty and abundance even in situations which don't seem it at first sight. This will naturally bring you more joy, peace and understanding in your life and that of others.

Four sessions - 2 months - £ 596

Coaching for self-esteem Glasgow

How to Navigate with Supreme Ease in the Mind-boggling World Wide Web and Social Media (and not get lost in it;)
( also great for teenagers ) 

The world seems to be spinning faster and faster; we are bombarded with information daily, our phones and electronic devices glued to our fingertips. Amid our busy lives, our minds do not have time to process everything we are taking in. The effects of all this are worry, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and mental health issues, to name a few. The internet is here to stay and is an integral part of most of our lives, so what can we do to confront this matter? As much as switching off devices more often is a helpful step towards this, we cannot hide from the internet. What if the solution was to become more aware and discerning of what we are being fed and more in control of ourselves and our emotions?

We will take a step or two back from who you are in this world called the internet. May it be too much time scrolling, getting lost in the illusion called life on social media, having a healthy overview while internet dating or just the over-drive of information out there, we will deconstruct the matter and work together to achieve a more unclouded you.

Four sessions - 2 months - £ 596

Self Help Coaching Glasgow

Emotional Emergency! Who you gonna call?

You're in a challenging for you life situation, hit a wall or dead end in your mind, want to run rather than confront emotions and thoughts that have risen or are not sure how to manoeuvre yourself forward...

Sometimes you need a quick-ish fix, a new perspective or a fresh view of a sticky situation you feel you are in, so you can un-stuck yourself and get on with life.

I can offer you one-off sessions where we will brainstorm in the heart & mind space and find more clarity and a different way of going about yourself and your situation, to bring you into the flow again.

One session - 90 min - £ 220 

"the darkest places in your soul hold the source of all the light and healing you need for yourself, so don't be afraid to go there "  

                    Take it from somebody who's been there and loving the whole experience of it

Stay up to date about session availability 

Due to the intensity of the work and to be able to focus on every one of my collaborators entirely, I choose quality over quantity of sessions. Therefore, I take no more than eight long-term clients at a time & a maximum of 4 help me quick! Single sessions monthly. I have a waiting list for those who know good things come to those who wait. Hashtag patience is priceless during self-work: #

Session infos 

Long-term / Package sessions
As sessions take place internationally, zoom appointments are the go-to-meeting form. We work together for the best results every second week. You should schedule an hour for your session and best have a quiet space without distractions so that we can get the most out of this quality time. We will start with a complimentary 20 min discovery call to see if there are the right match for one another, which would lead to our first kick-off session. This will be dedicated to pinpointing what topics should be confronted and setting a personal growth goal for your journey. You will have filled out a detailed questionnaire by then, so we already know your priority.  Although this may already sound like a good plan, the rest of the sessions are connected intuitively, and I like to let them flow naturally, knowing the questions and answers will present them-self to us on the way. Trust the process and enjoy the ride. 
Between sessions, you will receive self-work tasks and tools to keep the ball rolling, and we can stay in touch via email if any questions, doubts or aha moments occur and you wish to share them with me.

Bonus: Before we start our journey together, you will receive your healthy pattern club goodie box per post, and from that moment on, you are most officially welcomed into my hardcore happiness gang.
You can already be excited; I put all my creativity into this!

One-off / Single sessions

As in packaged sessions, single one-off meetings take place over Zoom. We book a time and date when you know you can have a quiet and undistracted space to focus.  We start with a complimentary 20-minute discovery call to decide if we are a great match for one another, and from there, we schedule (or not) your 90-minute session, in which we will form an alliance to challenge and look at new and different perspectives of moving forward with what is keeping you stuck. 

Bonus: no member, short or long(er) term, goes unnoticed at Healthy Patterns Club. You will have to check your letterbox for this.

What to expect when confronting the self ( especially for more profound work sessions)

Life coaching sessions are an equal collaboration between the client and coach to boost new ways of diving deeper inwards, seeing and actively moving forward with self and life. Specific results cannot be guaranteed. These sessions are not a substitute for therapy or counselling, which are mainly designed to travel with your mind and emotions into your past. Life coaching tends to focus on the now and your future self. Deep emotional awareness in my coaching sessions will likely touch upon the past. I believe it is necessary to re-feel old emotions, understand their root cause and release them, but we will not spend much time in the past. As the term states, that time is past and long gone. We want to harness the now and confidently move into the future.
The more confrontation you invest in yourself, the more you will see things change in yourself and around you. Sometimes these changes are tweaks to better and optimise, but sometimes these can also be radical changes, which you wouldn't have expected. This is the nature of observing and letting go of what doesn't serve you anymore. Sometimes, you might even decide to let go of work, relationships, friends, lifestyle etc. If they don't serve a higher purpose in your life, they will sooner or later fall away. This part is sometimes frightening because we hold dear life to what we know best. This lies in our human nature, sense of control and comfort zone. But please know that what we set free if it's meant to be, it will return. If not, something or someone more true to your newest version of self will enter your life. 
Self-confrontation is also an intensely emotional process that might feel uncomfortable but physically draining. The truths we choose not to see about ourselves, others or our lives can shock the system at first sight. It is important, throughout this process, to take good care of yourself physically, emotionally and mentally.  Emotions can be heightened and more frequent during the process of release. Feelings of sudden sadness, anger, anxiety, and frustration... but also feelings of freedom, peace, and joy occur. Old energies are exposed, and new light energy fills its space.  Know when to slow down, take a power nap, and rest, if needed, to heal. Try to eat healthily and keep hydrated. Meditation and mindfulness practices are a great help along the way, even if only for a couple of minutes a day. Keep in mind that emotions can not harm you. This is only the way of balancing yourself out. 

But most importantly, trust that your being has chosen the right time to implement these changes and will guide you. I am also there by your side, you will have contact with me in between sessions, but I will not hold your hand as this is the journey of emotional independence—the journey into unknown territories of self. I want you to be able to find the power to do this on your own.
You know the way : )

Sessions and any stored information are confidential and safeguarded by my watchdog.  On a more serious note, ethical awareness is my middle name, and I respect your trust in me by sharing personal information from your life. Before we start, an official client-coach agreement will be signed so that both sides have no illusions and clarity about the foundation of our work.

Session package fees are paid upfront or, if agreed upon, can be paid in monthly blocks. A 5% discount will be applied to the package price on full upfront payment. Please contact me via email to discuss your preferred payment option. 

Single sessions are paid upfront before our session.
You can also pre-purchase single-session subscription packages in blocks of 3 or 6 sessions, which can be used within one year of the subscription date.
One session -    220 £
Three sessions -  640 £ ( 3% deduction from the total price)
Six sessions - 1254 £ (5 % deduction from the total price)

20-minute discovery sessions are complimentary, and you are not obligated to book a package or single session. You must feel I am the right person to assist you.
No half-measures here. 

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